Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I was filling in my travel allowance form for this month when I noticed something for the first time. This is probably old news to most people, but the KCR charges you an extra $4 for a trip from Hung Hom station to Lo Wu station.

Here's how it breaks down:

HH -> LW = $33

HH -> Sheung Shui (the stop before LW) = $9
SS -> LW = $20.

$20 + $9 = $29, accounting for a $4 difference. A round-trip makes that $8. Sure, 8 bucks isn't much, but percentage-wise that's a significant difference. For people who have to travel up and down that route, the extra 14% quickly adds up. What a total rip-off! And of course the KCR knows this, which is why they won't let you use the same card to leave/enter SS station within 10 minutes (to prevent people from exiting and re-entering at SS). Naturally, you could use 2 different cards.

Greedy bastards.

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