Monday, February 25, 2008

Please grow up…

I was listening to some radio talk shows during my commute to work this morning and I just gotta say: I am SO SICK of hearing about the Edison Chen Photo Scandal. It's been 4 weeks people, give it a rest already! All this debate over who should apologize, who hasn't been sincere enough, why what they did was so wrong…aaaaaarrrrrrgggggh!

This is such typical Celebrity Bashing behavior. No matter where you are in the world, it seems that whenever a scandal breaks out involving an entertainment personality the pubic and media go into a frenzy to voice their disdain over the matter. It's probably partially due to jealousy; the way some people just love to tear down celebrities because they're envious of the status and other perks that come with being famous.

I mean, let's break this Photo Scandal down to the basics. A guy has a bunch of racy photos of the girls he's slept with, he forgets to remove them from his computer before bringing it in for repairs and someone at the computer shop puts the photos online. Seems to me that the biggest villain is the shop employee and yet hardly anyone focuses on him, deciding instead to zoom in on Edison and his "immoral behavior." OK, you don't have to approve of his sexual proclivities, but let's keep in mind the fact that these were taken privately on his own time between him and the women, and that they were never MEANT to be shown to the public. The issue at hand should be the HUGE violation of privacy and not the ethics of what a man and woman CHOOSE to do in the bedroom.

A comment that totally pissed the shit out of me (hmm, what a pretty picture) was from someone claiming to be a member of a Woman's Rights Society who said that Edison's actions were extremely disrespectful of women. It's not the morality judgment that I mind so much as the way the caller conveniently placed all the blame on Edison. Think about it, if his actions were so horribly offensive to women, what does that say about the women who were WILLING participants? It's sickeningly hypocritical to say that the photo taking was wrong but be totally one-sided when placing the blame.

Speaking of hypocrisy, the person hit hardest by the scandal has definitely been Gillian Chung. The general argument is that she's been a big phony for acting so innocent in public while actually being so "open." I won't comment on the alleged two-facedness but I do want to use the opportunity to point out the fact that I've always thought it a bit bizarre that the HK public & media are so eager to buy into the idea of a 25+ year-old ingénue. I dunno, maybe it's just me but isn't it a bit silly to expect a mature woman to act like an innocent teenager (especially considering the fact that today's teenagers really aren't that innocent or naive)?

Maybe I'm just expecting too much from a society that still makes such a big deal whenever a female celebrity appears in public without a bra (so much so that it often makes the cover of magazines).

Or maybe I'm missing the point; maybe the idea behind the headlines is "Oh poor girl, she's a celebrity but she can't afford underwear" ;)

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