Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Learning Experience

Gee, it's so much fun to learn about new stuff...except when said learning involves firsthand knowledge of stuff that's really not so fun to try out.

Case in point: I recently became accuately aware of the medical terms gastroenteritis and urticaria. It all started the a couple of days ago when I woke up in a semi-conscious state in the middle of the night because I knew that something was wrong with my stomach, and then somehow managed to cover my bedroom wall with explosive projectile vomit. Seriously, the place looked like someone triggered frag mine filled with barf.

After cleaning the place for over an hour, I was rewarded with a second viral barrage, this resulting in an explosion from the orifice opposite of my mouth (thankfully I was fully awake by now and had enough sense to make it to the bathroom otherwise...damn, what a fun secondary mess that would have been). Spent the next 2 days moving back and forth between my bed and the bathroom.

Finally got better in time for my cousin's wedding (which was a relief since I was responsible for shooting candid family shots). Things were going well until the late afternoon; while I was changing for the evening banquet, I noticed a red rash on my neck. Quick check of my body showed UGLY welts up and down both my arms. Thank goodness that the rash wasn't itchy, so I was able to go on with my duties at the banquet. Plus, the hired photographers jumped in whenever they started to see me shoot ('coz they get to charge for every extra photo) so hopefully between me and them we got all the photos taken care of.

Anyways, when I got home later that night, eewww! None of the rash made it to my face, but from my neck down (don't look if you're not into seeing freaky stuff)...


Sigh...why can't I experience something more along the lines of winning the jackpot of the lottery...

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