Sunday, July 20, 2008

No gain? Much pain!

In light of my recent gastronomic adventures, I felt the need to burn some calories this weekend. So after a light breakfast, I went wakeboarding on Saturday morning. The water and weather were kind of choppy, but it was still great to get out on the water again.

Still can't get the hang of the Fakie yet. Everytime I try pulling a left-foot-forward pose, it feels awkward and unbalanced; I can't get my left hip to steer the same way that my right hip can. Feels kind of stupid that I can ollie a bit but can't even pull off a Fakie.

My failed attempts

Anyways, after the waterworks yesterday, I hit the gym this morning trying out a new regimen that I read about: the Dreaded 500. Basically, it consists of completing a circuit of 500 reps over several sets of exercises. The circuit I tried today was:

Upper Pec Cable pulls (10 reps x 5 sets)
Lower Pec Cable pulls (10 x 5)
Dumbbell bench press (10 x 5)

Lateral dumbbell raises (10 x 5)
Front dumbbell raises (10 x 5)
Seated dumbbell press (10 x 5)

Preacher curl bench (10 x 5)
Tricep pulldown (10 x 5)
Standing dumbbell curls (25 x 4)

And just for good measure, I threw in an extra 500+ of situps (30 x 17).

I was ready to inhale an entire pizza after this workout...except for the fact that my arms were so sore that I couldn't even lift a slice. It's 5 hours later and it still hurts to type.

Such is the price we pay...

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