I went to see "X-files: I want to Believe" today. I pretty much went for sentimental reasons so I didn't have high expectations. I wouldn't say that the movie was a disappointment (that honor goes to "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull") but I will say that lowering my expectations was a wise choice.
The movie felt more like an episode-of-the-week rather than a full blown movie. The ending didn't have much of a payoff and the overall story really didn't try to be anything other than filler material. Honestly, if you took Mulder and Scully out of the equation, the movie would have zero appeal.
Of course, it didn't help that I saw the movie at UA Times Square. I hate this place (sadly, didn't have a choice because of my post-movie dinner arrangements). What kind of idiot designs a theatre where the screen is lower than the seats? As long as the person sitting in front of you is head and shoulders above the back of the seat, you're guaranteed to be blocked from seeing the entire screen.