Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy CNY

Finally, a day off from work. Slept until noon and it felt damn good.

As usual, went to the big Chinese New Year bazaar in Victoria Park. And as usual, the place was jammed packed:

Inflatable toys have been become an annual staple so there was no shortage of supply this year:

You gotta hand it to the entrepreneurs in HK; they don't let any opportunity to make money slip by. You miss the old Central Pier Clock Tower? Well for 40 bucks you can take one home with you!

These fish bowl balloons were pretty cool:

You know, I don't think it's such a good idea to play with roasted pork toys during the Year of the Pig. Don't want to spit in the face of Karma:

Speaking of which, sticking a pole up a poor pig's butt probably isn't the best way to make friendly with it:

Saw this creepy cigarette toy a few times. Who in their right mind would want something so disturbing in their homes?

Only in HK: 交剪腳

These traffic posts were also a popular item. But where the heck would you put these big eye sores in your home?

Ah, the ever popular ink colored pussy willows:

And the freakish "5 Generations" plant. I'm sorry, but it really looks like an alien pod.

My favorite "butterfly" orchids (although I think they look like falcons more than butterflies)

Anyhoo, didn't go home empty handed:

And for the sake of tradition, I bought another Chinese banner (the last on on the right) to add to my yearly collection. I'm not going to bother with a translation since you either know these or you don't.

Have a Happy Year of the Pig!

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