$2000 for canvas shopping bag. Really, has society really become this shallow?
It's just pathetic how blinded people can become over something so trivial. And the sad thing is that they're all missing the point. Instead of seeing it for it's purpose as an environmentally friendly shopping bag, they're using it as a fashion accessory. I wonder how many of the 100's of who people scambling all over each other to get this bag are actually interested in getting a shopping bag?
Well, the silver lining (if you can call it that) is that at least the shoppers in HK were relatively more sane than the ones in Taiwan. I just saw a news report showing over 1000 Taiwanese literally trampling each other to get their grubby hands on a bag.
Ginger, you asked me today why I disliked Taiwan. I guess they just gave me another reason.
why you disliked Taiwan
...but the people there in general are friendly, and won't chase the camera away bor.
damn...just lost a money making opportunity. I could have got those bags so easily here in London...oh well...
嗯, 我想你也知道"一竹槁打一船人"這句成語吧, 你就在做這樣的事啦!!!!
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