I saw a report on the news last night that was just too ridiculous to ignore. There's an attraction in Beijing called the Shijingshan Amusement Park that looks preposterously similar to Disney Land:
Not only does it have a Cinderella castle, it's even populated with blatant knock-off characters:
When interviewed about the similarities between the characters, the founder said "Oh, they look a bit like the Disney characters, but they are actually local designs. For example, that's not Mickey Mouse, it's Big Eared Cat"
Big Eared Cat?! Are you kidding me? I'm so amazed that he was able to say that with a straight face. So does that mean this is a painting of Big Eared Cat with his friend Flat Billed Chicken?
The real kicker is the amusement park's slogan:
"Disney is too far, so please come to Shijingshan."
That has got to be the best slogan ever...
I've got to hand it to them though. Went it comes to bootlegging, they really go all the way. Why settle for just Disney characters when you can also cash in on other popular characters like Doraemon and Hello Kitty?
Of course, the characters above are probably called Blue Earless Mouse and Goodbye Doggie.
Browsing through the photos, it noticed that some of the design choices were rather strange. Take this ticket booth for instance. What were they thinking?
"Hey, we're out of tickets, let's go over to that hole in Snow White's crotch and buy some more."
Oh wait, silly me. That's not Snow White, it's Chinese Country Girl.
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