I've been so wrapped up with December being the month I switch jobs that the thought of Christmas totally escaped my mind. It didn't really hit me until I went for a little shopping yesterday that the big day is a little over 2 weeks from now.
Anyways, shops everywhere are clamoring to put out their festive merchandise. Behold, the Cheerful Snowman from Krispy Kreme:
My friend was about to ask me if I felt silly shooting a donut but then we noticed that nearly every table had a patron with a DC or camera phone pointing straight down at their tray...
The usual Silver & Purple theme at Times Square:
Hmm, purple seems a little more Easter to me, but since both holidays celebrate the same person I guess it makes sense.
Anyhoo, I remember taking the following picture last year:
so I decided to take a reverse angle for this year's shot:
BTW, I LOVE my new Canon Ixy 910IS (aka Ixus 860IS/SD870IS...damn you Canon). It doesn't have the full PASM manual controls of my Casio EX-Z850, but the 28mm wide lens and Image Stabilization more than make up for this shortcoming. Great little performer.
Now if Canon comes up with an Ixy that has the PASM controls of the Casio and the high ISO performance of Fujifilm F31fd's SuperCCD...oohhhhh, baby....